Wednesday 14 December 2011

Character looking round No. 2

Added in the extra frames and done a bit more acting with the hands. Although the hand acting is too brief, so I'm going to carry it round to the other side of the turn.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Character looking around no. 1

It needs to hold a bit longer when he's focusing his stare and there is a bit of a jumpy spot as he swings round. But overall I'm satisfied by the characterisation and physicality.

Monday 12 December 2011

Box walk cycle no.1

Really pleased with the sense of weight to the box and the lines of the character (like curve of the back). But I think I will add in some frames at the low point of the cycle to show more strain from the box's weight on the character. Also I think I'll look more closely at the length of the arm when I clean it up.

Box walk cycle No.1 (Key frames)

One or two corrections to be made, but will be seen in the tweened version.

Box lift no.1

First attempt at box lift (of course a few frames need to be drawn at the start). I'm pleased with it, but I want to add in a few frames as he is lifting to give more weight to the box. Also, the torso's volume needs some attention as it is fairly sporadic. Irritatingly it looks like I didn't shoot the last couple of frames, but this will soon be rectified.

Character walk no. 1

I'm happy with this character walk, but unfortunately vimeo won't let me upload the previous cycles of it where I corrected the faults as the files are too small. I feel there's a good sense of weight too it, next is to get clean it up really.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Lip Sync No. 3

I like the head movement at the end,but I feel more motion is needed along with more expression in the face. Especially in the eye brows. Not to mention the very sketchy line quality that needs rectifying come the morrow...

Lip Sync No. 2

Just the key frames, the completed rough will be up shortly.

Lip Sync No. 1

Happy with the lip syncing, and movement in the "booze". Obviously I need some frames to fill in the start and end, but I'm not too happy with the character. I will probably re-do the lip sync with a different character.

Walk Cycle No. 4

Walk cycle re-visited. More happy with this one, but might do some work on the hands,

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Thursday 13 October 2011

Walk Cycle no. 3

Sorted out the foot, and I'm quite happy with how it's looking. Just got a couple more frames to draw in the cleaned up version and it should be good to go.

Walk cycle no. 2

Bit shakey, and the foot goes wrong about 7 frames in... But quite happy with the movement.

Walk Cycle no.1

Just the key frames here, after tweening it looks much smoother.

Ball bounce No. 2

For some reason it's in reverse... I'll fix that after I finish my walk cycle

Ball bounce no. 1

Feels a tad slow...